Sardinia Trek. A Terrific Trip!

Sunday 15th May

After the trouble I had had trying to check-in online, I expected more difficulty at the airport, so I arrived at Gatwick at 4:50 for a 6:40 check-in. At the car park, I missed the sign that said “Spaces” because I was looking (as instructed) for a sign that said “Open”. In the end, I went into a closed section and waited for the bus. And waited. Eventually, two other people and I flagged a bus down on the road and the driver told us to wait in the staff car park, and – hooray! – a bus arrived.

The flight arrived on time, and getting through customs, etc. was fine; a quick call and Mauro was there to collect us and our luggage.

We chose to go to the beach and start hiking, rather than have a city tour, and from then it was full on. We started by climbing a hill path to an old tower, with stunning views of the sea and the town of Cagliari. On the way back, Nick wanted to try a different path and I agreed – but then we weren't sure if it would lead anywhere.

It's going to be a good week.

Monday 16th May

Today we were in the Jeep, which is called Elizabeth. We drove past amazing mountain scenery to the top of the path to Sa Stiddiosa. On the way down, I asked if we could walk for a few minutes in silence so that we could really get the feeling of being in the mountains, and everyone agreed that we should do this from time to time.

The path was steep in places, but all downhill, and at the bottom, we swam in the river and under the waterfall – just like a shampoo advert. The water was cold, and the current was strong, but my skin suit meant I could stay in for a while and there was never any real danger. We were really lucky to have the place all to ourselves because it can get very busy.

After the swim, we sunbathed and I think we all had a few minutes of delicious sleep. The walk back up was tougher than it should have been because, for one thing, it was the hottest time of the day, and for another, we were all hungry. I thought I was the only one feeling this, so I didn't say anything, but apparently, all three of us would have appreciated a snack break.

Tuesday, 17th May

Up early this morning and the view from my room was even more beautiful, with mist in the valley and swifts flying to and fro. I didn't sleep well last night, probably because I had too much to eat and drink at dinner – but my cold milk was there this morning! Marianna is a lovely hostess.

We left at 8:30 – well, a bit later than that, really; some people find it harder to get up early! Our hike was uphill for some time, but mostly through woods so we had shade, and there were so many wildflowers to see, including at least three types of orchid. Apparently this year the asphodel has gone wild.

We were heading for a plateau, which I think is called Funtana Cugnara. We passed cows with bells, and water springs crossed over a river and finally reached the plateau. Apparently, if you’re lucky, you see wild horses here; if you’re really lucky you see king eagles; we saw both, first one, then a group of horses; first one, then two eagles. Amazing!

Wednesday, 18th May

We had a free morning to rest before our Epic Trek this afternoon.

We were collected at three and after a 40-minute drive reached the start of our long hike to Punta la Marmora, the highest peak on the island. There were some difficult stretches, but it wasn't too bad. When we reached the top, Francesco produced dinner - cheese, sausage, bread, aubergines, caponata, red wine, strawberries, biscuits and of course, freshly brewed coffee – all of which he had carried up the mountain.

We watched the sun go down, crimson and barred with grey clouds - stunning. It was a very special moment for all of us. Most of our descent was in darkness, lit only by head torches. My new head torch was incredibly bright and could have provided enough light for all of us. We arrived home at around midnight, still buzzing.

Thursday 19th May

Up early for a long day. We drove for over two hours to reach Gorrupo, which means canyon. And boy, was it a canyon! Apparently, it changes each year, as the force of the river moves the enormous boulders around. We enjoyed a quiet lunch, awed by our surroundings.

Back to the car, and then another hour’s drive to see the murals in Orgosolo.

Friday 20th May

Friday already? It's hard to believe. Today was a gentle day; we hugged ancient chestnut trees.
The afternoon and evening were given over to more cultural experiences. First, we learned to carve wood. Some of us were better than others. I was one of the others.

I was a bit better at making bread and pasta, it was great fun. The evening meal involved a number of friends and family members, huge amounts of food (artichoke hearts, ravioli, frittata, mushrooms...), and copious quantities of wine, and grappa, and liqueurs.

I'm very full now and I have to start packing. As usual, I don't want to go home.

Saturday 21st May

Last night was brilliant, but I didn't sleep well. I did half my packing before I went to bed. Breakfast at 8; pick up at 9.

Swimming was a bit disappointing. Near the beach, the sea was full of weed; further out, it was full of sand particles, so the snorkel and mask were useless, let alone my underwater camera. It was lovely to be in the sea though!

Finally, at the airport, we drank Prosecco - exactly the right thing for a farewell.

So much in one week. A terrific trip!


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