Terms & Booking Notice of Sardinia Adventures

Booking notice

Please read this booking notice (Notice) (as updated from time to time) carefully. It contains important information on who we are, how we operate, how to make a booking, and how to contact us if you are dissatisfied with our services. It also explains your rights concerning our outdoor sports activities and how to contact us if you require further information.
This Notice applies to all the activities we sell and offer for sale to our members. All bookings are subject to our booking conditions and the information contained in this Notice. Please read, download, and keep it in a safe place for future reference.  

1. Definition

The following definitions shall apply to this Notice:
“You, Members” a person who has an active membership with Sardinia Adventures.
“Force Majeure” means unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control or the control of leaders, coaches, mountain guides, hotels, flight operators, and any other third party providing Travel Services (together, “Providers”) in regard to our sports activity, the consequences of which neither we nor the Providers could avoid even with all due care, including, but not limited to, epidemic or outbreaks of illness, war, threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity or threat of it, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, flood, drought, technical problems with transport, machinery or equipment, power failure, changes imposed by rescheduling or cancellation of flights by an airline, closure or congestion of airports or ports, and adverse weather conditions.
“Package” is the combination of at least two or more Travel Services sold together by the same travel agent/website/point of sale for the same trip or holiday, as duly defined in article 2 of the Regulation.  
“LTA” refer to travel-linked arrangements as defined in Article 2 of the Regulation. It is the combination of at least two or more Travel Services sold for the same trip, not constituting a Package, resulting in the conclusion of separate contracts with different individual service providers, if a company facilitates (a) on the occasion of a single visit to, or contact with, such a company’s point of sale, the separate selection and separate payment of each Travel Service; or(b) in a targeted manner, the procurement of at least one additional Travel Service from another company where a contract with such other company is concluded at the latest 24 hours after the confirmation of the booking of the first Travel Service.
“Travel Services” refer to transport, accommodation, car rental and any other touristic service not intrinsically part of those services, as duly defined in article 2 of the Regulation. 

2. About us

2.1 Who we are. We are Sardinia Adventures SSD ARL (“we” “us” “our” “Company” or “Sardinia”), a not for profit sport company limited by shares incorporated in Italy whose registered office is via del Mercato Vecchio 9/11, 09124 Cagliari, Italy.

2.2 We’re a sports club, not an online travel agency, tour operator, retailer of travel services, or organiser of travel packages. We are a sports club, not a travel company, whose mission is to enable as many people as possible to benefit from unique and affordable outdoor adventures, as promoted and sold on our website www.sardiniaadventures.com.  

2.3 Key distinctions with a travel company, tour operator, retailer of travel services or organiser of travel package. To better understand our regulatory position, please read thoroughly the following distinctions:

(a) Businesses that make travel services and/or holiday arrangements are subject to various regulations designated to protect customers. As a sports club, we are not subject to those regulations.

(b) You need to be a member of Sardinia Adventures to take part in our activities. Membership also includes sports insurance, which is mandatory by law.

(c) You do not benefit from rights applying to Packages and LTA under the Regulation when booking an outdoor activity with us. We do not provide legal and/or financial protection for our activities, be the former the protection provided to you as a consumer if some elements of the activities are not provided or are not as expected (for example, the right to refund if bad weather means your holiday cannot go ahead), whilst the latter be a refund in the unlikely event of our insolvency. Be assured, though. We will make every effort in our conversations and meetings to ensure that everything is in place for you to relax and enjoy every aspect of your time with us.

(d) We are not responsible for the proper performance of Travel Services provided by third parties, including, but not limited to, accommodations, flight operators, mountain guides, and coaches. If you are dissatisfied with their services, please contact the relevant service provider.

(e) We do not sell or offer for sale air holidays and flights. This is a regulated activity that we cannot carry out for you. You’ll need to arrange them on your own.

2.4 How to contact us. Please contact us by e-mail on contact@sardiniaadventures.com if you need any further clarification on the matters herein outlined.

3. Bookings

3.1 Membership. It is a condition of booking that you must be a Member to book an outdoor activity. If you are not a current Member at the time of booking, you will be asked to join/renew before booking confirmation.

3.2 How we will accept your booking. We will email you to accept your booking, at which point a contract will come into existence between you and us. When you are not booking for a specific date and activity, you will then be provided with a voucher (“Voucher”), which is an electronic instrument that entitles you to participate in the outdoor sport activity booked on our website.

3.3 Your right to change your mind. You have 14 days after the day we email you to confirm we accept your booking to change your mind and receive a refund. We will refund you by the method you used for payment.

3.4 If we cannot accept your booking. If we cannot accept your booking, we will inform you of this in writing and will not charge you for the activity booked. This might be, as an example, because we cannot provide the activity due to unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control or the control of leaders, coaches, and other professionals involved in the activity.

4. Participation fee & Information on our website

4.1 Participation fee. The participation fee for any activities will be the price indicated on the confirmation page when you purchase an activity. Inclusions and exclusions of your participation fee are set out on that page.

4.2 Accuracy of the information. We endeavour to ensure that the descriptions, information, and prices on our website are accurate. However, despite our best efforts, it is always possible that some errors occur, and we reserve the right to correct prices and other details in such circumstances.

5. Sports Activities

5.1 All the activities are subject to availability. Due to the nature of some of the activities, these can change at short notice. In the event that a particular activity is not available, we will endeavour to provide another activity for you to enjoy.

5.2 Your rights to make changes. If you wish to make a change to the activity you have booked, please contact us as soon as possible. We will do our best to make the change but cannot guarantee it will happen. We will let you know if the change is possible. If it is, we will let you know about any changes to the price of the activity or anything else that would be necessary as a result of your requested change and ask you to confirm whether you wish to go ahead with the change.

5.3 You may replace yourself with another person who satisfies all of the conditions applicable to our bookings. In order to do so, you must give us notice in writing of your intention at least 14 days before the day the activity is due to start. We will inform you of any additional fees, charges or other costs in relation to the replacement, all of which must be reasonable, and which will not exceed those incurred, and we will provide proof of those costs, if necessary. You and the person you are replacing yourself with will both be liable to pay these replacement costs. 

5.4 Cancellation by us. We reserve the right to cancel any activities that are subject to a minimum number of participants where there are insufficient numbers or where we cannot perform the activity due to unavoidable or extraordinary circumstances, and we notify you as soon as reasonably possible. When a cancellation occurs, we will offer you a Voucher for a substitute activity. If you are dissatisfied with our offer and decide to refuse it, we will make a refund of the total price you paid to us at the time of booking. If it is necessary to cancel your travel arrangements, compensation will not be payable by us in the event of Force Majeure, adverse weather or environmental conditions, safety-related concerns and travel restrictions. You should take out Travel insurance to cover yourself for these eventualities.

5.5 Cancellation by you. If you need to cancel your activity you must contact us immediately. All cancellation requests must be in writing, signed by you, and acknowledged by us. Since we incur costs in cancelling your arrangements, all cancellations are subject to an administrative fee, details of which are as follows:

Administrative fee for activities (excluding days out)

Notice of cancellation before departure:

45+ days
0 % of the total participation fee

44-30 days
50 % of the total participation fee

29-15 days
70 % of the total participation fee

14-0 days
100 % of the total participation fee

Administrative fee for days out

Up to 8 days before the activity starts
0% of the total participation fee

7-0 days
100 % of the total participation fee

Please note: We are not responsible for any loss of accommodation, travel, or transport due to your request to cancel. 

5.6 Minors. As a parent or guardian of minors, it is your sole responsibility to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for them to attend an outdoor sports activity with us and that they will not pose a risk to their own safety or that of others. Parents or guardians will be asked to sign a consent form prior the activity start date.

5.7 Weather. We accept no responsibility for weather conditions during your outdoor sports experience. We regret that we will not refund you if your activity is suspended, rescheduled, or varied due to adverse weather conditions.

5.8 Special requirements. If you need to make any special arrangements, please contact us using our live chat, via email, or by phone. We will let you know if your request can be accepted.

5.9 Outdoor activities provided by Sardinia Adventures are physically demanding or contact sports. You must be competent and fit enough to undertake these sports. You must take all reasonable precautions for your safety and the safety of any other Member for whom you might be responsible. When you are undertaking a sports activity under the guidance of a professional mountain guide, leader, or coach, you agree to follow and abide by their reasonable instructions. You must accept that mountain guides, leaders and coaches are solely responsible for your safety and have the right to prevent you from participating in any activity if, in their reasonable opinion, you cannot participate safely because your fitness is inadequate or your conduct may present a danger to other Members. Sardinia Adventures, its directors and employees have no liability to you in these circumstances. 

6. Your undertakings

6.1 Behaviour. We are committed to providing our Members with an outstanding experience. You agree not to disrupt the enjoyment of other Members nor to prejudice the reputation of Sardinia Adventures with third parties which might be involved in your sports activity. Should you behave unreasonably and cause danger to yourself or other Members, we reserve the right to terminate your membership promptly and any activity associated with it. We shall not be under any obligation whatsoever to pay compensation or meet any costs or expenses (including but not limited to alternative accommodation and return transportation arrangements) you may incur as a result of your activity and travel arrangements being terminated.

6.2 Equal opportunity and discrimination. Sardinia Adventure is committed to promoting equal opportunities in outdoor activities. Members will receive equal treatment regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Discrimination is therefore forbidden and leads to Members being excluded immediately from any outdoor activity, whether in progress or not provided. You agree not to unlawfully discriminate against or harass other people, including Sardina Adventures’ current and former employees, members, leaders, coaches, and mountain guides. We regret that no refund will be made to us for your failure to comply with article 6.2. of the Notice.

7. Travel Information

7.1 Air Travel, accommodation, transport. We do not sell or offer for sale Travel Services provided by third parties. Each Member is responsible for making their own travel arrangements.

7.2 Group rates. For some of our activities, we will book accommodation and transfers that are required for the activity to take place on behalf of our member's members, allowing them to benefit from group rates. We make no money or charge any fee for this. Such costs are generally included in the participation fee unless stated otherwise. By becoming a member and booking an activity with us you accept and explicitly appoint Sardinia Adventures to organise the details of such travel arrangements. It is understood that Sardinia Adventures, as a sports club, not a travel company, has no involvement in any such travel arrangements which are neither run, supervised or controlled by SARDINIA ADVENTURES. Third parties run them, and Sardinia Adventures cannot accept any liability in relation to any such activity. The role of Sardinia Adventures is limited to assisting members in going outdoors together. It does not act as or on behalf of the third party.

7.3 Passport & Visa. It is your sole responsibility to be in possession of a valid passport and any visa which may be necessary for you to go outdoors with Sardinia Adventures. We accept no liability for your failure to comply with article 7.3. of this Notice.

7.4 Insurance.  Our membership already includes sports insurance for your chosen activity. >Details of such insurance can be asked via email or live chat. You are responsible for ensuring you have adequate travel insurance to cover everything unrelated to the sports element of the activity you are joining.

8. Medical and safety requirements

8.1 Medical requirements. You must receive a medical exam prior to engaging in any outdoor activity. Recent hospitalizations, surgery, chronic illness, debilitating conditions or other medical history precludes your participation in any sports activity provided by Sardinia Adventures. It is a condition of booking to have a valid medical certificate and to answer our safety questions. Please contact your GP and be ready to provide a medical certificate to your coaches, leaders and mountain guides if so requested. It is also your sole responsibility to notify us if your health conditions change prior to your participation in any of our sports activities.

8.2 Disabilities. If you have any medical problem or disability that may affect your participation, please provide us with full details before you make your booking so that we can advise you on the suitability of your chosen arrangements. Acting reasonably, if we are unable to properly accommodate your needs, we will not confirm your booking.

9. Our liability

9.1 We are not responsible for services provided by third parties. As a sports club, Sardinia Adventures is not responsible for the proper performance of all the Travel Services connected with your sports activity. We do not own or manage the aircraft, ships, accommodation, restaurants and other facilities you might use in conjunction with the activities advertised in our website.

9.2 Technical equipment. We are also not liable for the breakdown or non-operation of technical equipment.

9.3 We are responsible to you for foreseeable loss and damage caused by us. If we fail to comply with the terms of this Notice, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breaking this contract or our failing to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable.

9.4 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents, subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; for breach of your legal rights in relation to the activity booked.

10.  How we may use your personal information

10.1 How we will use your personal information. We will only use your personal information as set out in our privacy policy here: https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/16196289

11.  Other important terms

11.1 Complaints. We are firmly committed to maintaining an effective complaint handling procedure, details of which may be found herehttps://www.sardiniaadventures.com/complaints

11.2 Electronic signature. This Notice (and, where applicable, each counterpart and any other Documents) may be executed by electronic signature by Members to Sardinia Adventures and Sardinia Adventures may rely on the receipt of such document so executed by electronic means as if the original had been received.

11.3 Force Majeure. Sardinia Adventures cannot be held responsible for any delay or non-performance of our obligations for Force Majeure. We are not responsible for any unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, such as war, civil unrest, terrorist action, riot, industrial action, natural disaster, weather conditions, pandemic or fire. If we are affected by Force Majeure, we shall use reasonable endeavours to mitigate the impact of any event of Force Majeure and to recommence the performance of our obligations under this Notice as soon as is reasonably practicable.

11.4 Assignment. We may transfer this agreement to someone else. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. If this happens, we will always tell you in writing and ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the contract.

11.5 If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of the terms of this Notice operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

11.6 Which laws apply to this contract and where you may bring legal proceedings. These terms are governed by Italian law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the terms of this Notice, their subject matter or formation in the Italian Courts